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"Berserkers are fierce warriors, ruling battlefields with their superior strength, unbreakable willpower and bloody axes. Never backing down, they are ready to put their own lives on the line to achieve victory."

Class Details

The Berserker image
Former Mercenary, Guard
Promotion None
Specialization Power, Constitution, Axe
Techniques High Willpower, Devastating attacks to target without armor
Guild Hall Ring of Blood in Triland


To specialize in this class, player's character has to meet the following requirements.

Level 40
Class Mercenary OR Guard
Attribute 380 Power, 270 Constitution
Skill Empowerment 2, Iron Will 2, Axe 4, Recklessness 2
Trial Perseverance, Intensity

Class Charms

Berserker Charms
Name Level Required Melee Damage Melee Boost Willpower Other Effects
Enrage 40 +56 4
Berserker's Sigil 40 70 (10% P) 3 (cumul) Lose 36 Armor
Lose 36 Ward
Blood Rage 40 +17 during 6 turns Curse: Lose 5 life during 6 turns
Unyielding Will 40 8 (cumul)
Fury Shout 41 +22 2 (cumul) (Target all allies)
Pit Fight 41 +52 2 (cumul) Lose 98 Armor
Destroy 114 Armor
Blood Frenzy 42 16 (20% P) [If target's Armor is 0]
74 Melee
Furious Revenge 43 22 (10% P) [For each bane and curse on self]
+8 to melee (ongoing)
Inhuman Rampage 44 +99 4 (cumul) Immune to next direct melee attack
Curse: Lose 99 life after 4 turns
Berserker's Crest 45 77 (10% P) 3 (cumul) Curse: Lose 7 Ward and 7 Armor during 6 turns
Indomitable Spirit 48 up to 10 (cumul) see charm's description
Fuel Enmity 48 up to 122 see charm's description
