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This page refers to the Character Class. For the Arena opponent, see Fighter (Arena)

By using brute force, Fighters are able to plunge through any kind of protection. They are always the best at damaging heavily armored opponents.

Class Details

The Fighter image
Former Adventurer
Promotion Mercenary, Wizard
Specialization Power
Techniques Armor/ward destruction, Focus ability
Guild hall Fighter's Terrace in Inachis


To specialize in this class, player's character has to meet the following requirements.

Level 20
Attribute 100 Power
Attribute 80 Dexterity OR 80 Intellect OR 80 Constitution

Class Charms

Fighter Charms
Name Level Required Melee Damage Armor Destruction Magic Damage Ward Destruction Other Effects
Fighter's Sword 20 17 (20% P) 49
Fighter's Longsword 23 20 (20% P) 56
Fighter's Claymore 27 23 (20% P) 64
Fighter's Axe 20 19 (10% P) 49
Fighter's Francisca 23 22 (10% P) 56
Fighter's War Axe 27 25 (10% P) 64
Fighter's Knuckles 20 17 61
Fighter's Claws 23 20 70
Fighter's Handscythes 27 23 80
Fighter's Darkened Wand 20 18 54
Fighter's Shadow Staff 23 21 62
Fighter's Dark Wave 27 24 71
Fighter's Ember Wand 20 21 49
Fighter's Flame Staff 23 24 56
Fighter's Fire Wave 27 27 64
Fighter's Stone Wand 20 5 15 49
Fighter's Earth Staff 23 6 19 56
Fighter's Ground Wave 27 6 20 64
Ward Breaker 20 52 Focus (9)
Armor Breaker 23 60 Focus (9)
Will Breaker 27 Destroy 4 Willpower, Focus (9)

Fighter Elite Charms
Name Level Required Melee Damage Armor Destruction Magic Damage Ward Destruction Other Effects
Fighter's Presence 38 +2 to your summons, Focus: 4 (cumul)
Bane: Destroy 1 willpower, 11 armor, and ward
during 5 turns
Way of the Fighter 38 30 30 +30 to next melee and magic