Gaea's Dawn

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Gaea's Dawn LEVEL 17+
Gaeas dawn small.jpg
Coordinates 670,300
Player versus Player Enabled
Events 3
Shops 9
Lumina thumb.jpg
Triland thumb.jpg
Windscar thumb.jpg
Lumina Triland Windscar [[{{{travel_city_name4}}}]]
[L.19] Crystal Valley
[L.28] Fear of the Dark
[L.40] Trial of Faith
[L.42] A Cry of the Earth
[L.?] [[{{{event_name5}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name6}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name7}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name8}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name9}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name10}}}]]
[[{{{guild_hall_name1}}}]] [[{{{guild_hall_class1}}}]]
[[{{{guild_hall_name2}}}]] [[{{{guild_hall_class2}}}]]
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[[{{{guild_hall_name5}}}]] [[{{{guild_hall_class5}}}]]
[[{{{guild_hall_name6}}}]] [[{{{guild_hall_class6}}}]]

The valley around Gaea's Dawn is permanently bathed in light. The trees, the lake, and even the earth itself seems blessed. However, under this heavenly appearance lies a thousand dangers. From the poisonous plants, to the extremely venomous insects, every little thing could give the daydreaming poet a rude awakening.


Goods Shops
Spell Shops
Armor Shops
Craft Shops
  • Battle Alchemist - Specialist in potions stored in charms. The effect is only temporary, but the potion becomes reusable [lvl 17-40, 42]
  • Master Cook - Battle is not everything in life. A fine meal can be worth a thousand swords!
  • Weapons of the Gods - Spear and mace crafter [lvl 19-44]
  • Spiritualist Lodge - A strange-looking hut isolated from the village [lvl 37-48]
Exchange Rates

Examine carefully this city's exchange rates to be a clever merchant. These are the expected market rates for this city and are not an up-to-date market indicator. Many factors may cause these values to deviate significantly.

Base Metal 120%
Vita 88%
Kata 103%
Gem 100%
Textile 112%
Food 99%
Spice 113%
Herb 83%
Leather 94%
Furniture 109%
Luxuries 108%
Alchemy 108%
Wood 89%
Art 110%
Animal 93%
Noble Metal 99%


  • Wood - Casual, Apprentice, Seasoned
  • Herb - Casual, Apprentice, Seasoned, Expert, Master
  • Vita - Casual, Apprentice, Seasoned, Expert, Master
  • Base Metal - Casual, Apprentice



Jobs in Gaea's Dawn


Mob Name Level Gold Reward HP Spirit Description
Sewer Rat 1 5 11 11 A big ugly rat
Weak Imp 2 9-10 27 12 A small summoned imp
Plagued Rat 3 15 30 18 A large sick and contagious rat
Prairie Sprite 4 21 35 17 A small sprite
Old Goblin 5 22-25 43 16 An old and scarred goblin
Goblin Shaman 6 27-32 48 18 A goblin that use magic
Enraged Goblin 7 32-37 66 16 A frenzied goblin
Mana Leech 8 38-44 65 21 A small floating reptilian that will drain your life away
Ghost 9 43-47 70 21 An angry ghost that can make your mind melt
Fighter 10 45-50 90 20 Another fighter trying to get some gold from this arena
Wizard of Zie 11 52-58 75 20 A spellcaster dressed in extravagant wide robes
Spider-Pig 12 50-53 85 16 How can that pig walk on walls?
Green Basilisk 13 57-66 90 16 A giant green lizard
Seasoned Fighter 14 59-72 115 23 Another fighter trying to get some gold from this arena
Blue Basilisk 15 64-78 120 18 A giant blue lizard
Iron Golem 16 65-70 130 inf. A golem summoned from iron ore
Red Basilisk 17 77-89 150 21 A giant red lizard
Pet Rock 18 81-96 150 31 A nicely polished rock.It isn't very social
Black Basilisk 19 88-103 170 25 A giant black lizard
Greentongue Cobra 20 91-112 290 28 A huge snake that uses potent poison
Forest Wolf 21 106-116 200 30 An aggressive wolf
Black Panther 22 128 215 29 A sneaky animal
Grizzly 23 115-139 290 30 A large brown bear
Silver Basilisk 24   230 29 A giant shining lizard
Mana Remnant 25 132-158 220 31 A small magic entity
Red Lion 26 143-173 250 32 A proud beast
Sand Golem 27 153-185 310 30 A pile of sand animated by a powerful earth spell
Arena Ghost 28 164-201 300 27 The angry ghost of a warrior that lost his life in this arena
Orc Warrior 29 179-220 300 28 A large orc
Orc Shaman 30 190-233 315 24 An old orc
Gold Basilisk 31 200-250 340 29 A giant shining lizard
Green Drakeling 32 226-268 350 32 A young flying drake
Darklust Cheetah 33   360 36 This animal reigns in the wilderness
Mithril Golem 34 257-314 420 36 A golem animated from Mithril
Orc Warchief 35 280-338 415 36 A fierce Orc
Haunting Vision 36 312-365 435 30 What this ghost was in its life is unknown
Flame Drake 37 329-390 450 40 A flame breathing dragon-like creature
Hooded Knight 38 347-424 470 38 A popular dark hooded knight
Pure Darter 39 348-457 460 42 A very bright Sprite
Basilisk King 40 404-489 500 42 One of the biggest basilisks you've ever seen
Shadow Drake 41 450-533 510 45 A dark and vicious drake
Arcane Manifestation 42 469-574 525 39 Condensed and potent arcane energy
Headless Horseman 43 512-608 540 45 The ghost of an ancient knight, that has yet to find eternal peace
Horseman Head 44 577-638 565 48 A flying skull, seeking to atone for its past crimes
Divinium Golem 45 603-715 600 48 A golem animated from Divinium
Gold Drake 46 644-778 645 49 A drake radiating energy
Molten Horror 47 668-822 720 50 The body of this beast is covered by lava
Blackhorn Devil 48 706-863 780 56 Two majestic horns ornate the head of this fiend