Guild Honor Points

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Guild Honor Points (GHP) are a reward system for guild involvement. GHP are acquired in one of four ways:

  1. A player earns 2 GHP for building on a guild construction; the reward is 2 GHP regardless of any booster used.
  2. A guild may earn GHP by successfully attacking or sieging another guild.
  3. A guild may earn GHP by successfully defending another guild's non-siege attack.
  4. Certain guild buildings grant a guild a large amount of GHP upon completion.

GHP earned by the guild are stockpiled until the guild master or a guild officer distributes them to guild members. GHP may be distributed to everyone, all members of a guild rank (i.e., officers, veterans, members), or to individuals. The guild master may penalize members by distributing negative GHP to an individual; GHP "lost" in this manner are fed directly to the bunny god and are not reclaimable.

Note: when player quits their guild, any unspent GHP will be permanently lost.

GHP is used to purchase charms and items available in the guild's showcase.