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"Hierarchs use their inexhaustible willpower to channel magic winds. Despite being obstinate, terrible opponents when alone, they shine in groups. In those situations they can release their holy talent for healing or dealing unstoppable magic injuries."

Class Details

The Hierarch image
Former Sage, Cleric
Promotion None
Specialization Intellect, Constitution, Holy
Techniques Healing, High attacks based on willpower
Guild Hall Cathedral of Illumination in Lumina


To specialize in this class, player's character has to meet the following requirements.

Level 40
Class Sage OR Cleric
Attribute 340 Intellect, 310 Constitution
Skill Faith 2, Ward 3, Discipline 1, Iron Will 3, Strengthening 1, Holy 4
Trial Insight, Salvation

Class Skills

Hierarch Charms
Name Level Required Cumulative Willpower Healing Other Effects
Blessed Light 40 4 21 Magic (50% P)
24 Ward (cumul)
Restoration 40 1 7 Aura during 6 turns
Mind Radiance 40 [Consume up to 5 Willpower and for each]
23 Magic (50% P)
Worship 40 4 62 Ward
Spiritual Guidance 41 [Target Allies]
+39 to next Magic
Purity 41 4 [Target Ally with lowest HP]
Salvation 42 [Target Ally with lowest HP]
[Consume up to 5 Willpower and for each]
Heal 32 damage
Benediction 43 1 15 [Targets All Allies]
Aura during 3 turns
Circle of Life 44 [For each aura on self]
1 Willpower (cumul) & +12 to next Magic
[Target ally with lowest HP]
Heal 13 damage
Sanctified Light 45 34 (50% P) Magic
Aura: 10 Ward (cumul) & 1 Willpower (cumul)
during 4 turns
Blinding Light 48 Restore one ally at 12%

Aura: If an ally has less than 15% HP, consume effect to make him immune to next direct melee and magic attack. Lasts 5 turns
[For each Holy rune used or discarded]
6 Magic (50% P)

Indomitable Spirit 48 [Consume up to 5 Willpower, and for each do the following]
2 Willpower (cumul)
Target loses 10 life
Aura: -3 to target's next melee and magic for each Willpower (up to 20) during 3 turns
6 Magic (50% P)
Hierarch Trainer (Lumina)
Charm Name Req. Level Gold Cost Req Material Qty Crafted
Blessed Light 40 10000 Mark of Insight 5
Restoration 40 10000 Mark of Salvation 5
Mind Radiance 40 6000 Mark of Perseverance 2
Worship 40 6000 Mark of Domination 2
Spiritual Guidance 41 4000 Mark of Unity 1
Purity 41 5000 Harvester Insignia 1
Salvation 42 10000 Alchemist Insignia 1
Benediction 43 15000 King Insignia 1
Circle of Life 44 20000 Life Insignia 1
Sanctified Light 45 15000 Crest of Insight
Crest of Salvation