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Lumina LEVEL 5+
Lumina small.jpg
Coordinates 580,425
Player versus Player Disabled
Events 4
Shops 25
Aleas thumb.jpg
Gaeas dawn thumb.jpg
Triland thumb.jpg
Wildhowl thumb.jpg
Aleas Gaea's Dawn Triland Wildhowl
[L.9] Cursed Forest
[L.28] Escorting Chopley
[L.44] Unearthed Horrors
[L.45] Burdens of Faith
[L.?] [[{{{event_name5}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name6}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name7}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name8}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name9}}}]]
[L.?] [[{{{event_name10}}}]]
Recruit's Training Ground recruit
Guard's Barracks guard
Cleric Retreat cleric
Castle of Retribution paladin
Cathedral of Illumination hierarch
[[{{{guild_hall_name6}}}]] [[{{{guild_hall_class6}}}]]

Famous for its distinguished art works, Lumina praises the gods for their protection and gifts. Indeed, in this city which suffered little from the great wars, travellers get often engrossed in remembrances of the past when in front of the ancient and grandiose architecture.


Goods Shops
Weapon Shops
Spell Shops
Armor Shops
Craft Shops
PvP Shops
Exchange Rates

Examine carefully this city's exchange rates to be a clever merchant. These are the expected market rates for this city and are not an up-to-date market indicator. Many factors may cause these values to deviate significantly.

Base Metal 94%
Vita 86%
Kata 113%
Gem 106%
Textile 90%
Food 77%
Spice 90%
Herb 80%
Leather 91%
Furniture 95%
Luxuries 93%
Alchemy 108%
Wood 95%
Art 113%
Animal 106%
Noble Metal 106%


  • Wood - Casual, Apprentice
  • Herb - Casual, Apprentice
  • Vita - Casual, Apprentice, Seasoned, Expert, Master
  • Base Metal - Casual


Jobs and academy

Jobs and academy in Lumina


Mob Name Level Gold Reward HP Spirit Description
Sewer Rat 1 5 11 11 A big ugly rat
Weak Imp 2 9-10 27 12 A small summoned imp
Plagued Rat 3 15 30 18 A large sick and contagious rat
Prairie Sprite 4 21 35 17 A small sprite
Old Goblin 5 22-25 43 16 An old and scarred goblin
Goblin Shaman 6 27-32 48 18 A goblin that use magic
Enraged Goblin 7 32-37 66 16 A frenzied goblin
Mana Leech 8 38-44 65 21 A small floating reptilian that will drain your life away
Ghost 9 43-47 70 21 An angry ghost that can make your mind melt
Fighter 10 45-50 90 20 Another fighter trying to get some gold from this arena
Wizard of Zie 11 52-58 75 20 A spellcaster dressed in extravagant wide robes
Spider-Pig 12 50-53 85 16 How can that pig walk on walls?
Green Basilisk 13 57-66 90 16 A giant green lizard
Seasoned Fighter 14 59-72 115 23 Another fighter trying to get some gold from this arena
Blue Basilisk 15 64-78 120 18 A giant blue lizard
Iron Golem 16 65-70 130 inf. A golem summoned from iron ore
Red Basilisk 17 77-89 150 21 A giant red lizard
Pet Rock 18 81-96 150 31 A nicely polished rock.It isn't very social
Black Basilisk 19 88-103 170 25 A giant black lizard
Greentongue Cobra 20 91-112 290 28 A huge snake that uses potent poison
Forest Wolf 21 106-116 200 30 An aggressive wolf
Black Panther 22 128 215 29 A sneaky animal
Grizzly 23 115-139 290 30 A large brown bear
Silver Basilisk 24   230 29 A giant shining lizard
Mana Remnant 25 132-158 220 31 A small magic entity
Red Lion 26 143-173 250 32 A proud beast
Sand Golem 27 153-185 310 30 A pile of sand animated by a powerful earth spell
Arena Ghost 28 164-201 300 27 The angry ghost of a warrior that lost his life in this arena
Orc Warrior 29 179-220 300 28 A large orc
Orc Shaman 30 190-233 315 24 An old orc
Gold Basilisk 31 200-250 340 29 A giant shining lizard
Green Drakeling 32 226-268 350 32 A young flying drake
Darklust Cheetah 33   360 36 This animal reigns in the wilderness
Mithril Golem 34 257-314 420 36 A golem animated from Mithril
Orc Warchief 35 280-338 415 36 A fierce Orc
Haunting Vision 36 312-365 435 30 What this ghost was in its life is unknown
Flame Drake 37 329-390 450 40 A flame breathing dragon-like creature
Hooded Knight 38 347-424 470 38 A popular dark hooded knight
Pure Darter 39 348-457 460 42 A very bright Sprite
Basilisk King 40 404-489 500 42 One of the biggest basilisks you've ever seen
Shadow Drake 41 450-533 510 45 A dark and vicious drake
Arcane Manifestation 42 469-574 525 39 Condensed and potent arcane energy
Headless Horseman 43 512-608 540 45 The ghost of an ancient knight, that has yet to find eternal peace
Horseman Head 44 577-638 565 48 A flying skull, seeking to atone for its past crimes
Divinium Golem 45 603-715 600 48 A golem animated from Divinium
Gold Drake 46 644-778 645 49 A drake radiating energy
Molten Horror 47 668-822 720 50 The body of this beast is covered by lava
Blackhorn Devil 48 706-863 780 56 Two majestic horns ornate the head of this fiend