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Damage Basics


Melee damage is damage dealt by weapon based charms. Melee damage can be blocked by Armor. Damage not blocked will be subtracted from the target's health.


Magic damage is damage dealt by magic based charms. Magic damage can be blocked by Wards. Damage not blocked will be subtracted from the target's health.

*Earth charms do mixed Magic and Melee damage, however the majority have Magic damage as the superior amount.


Penetration - commonly abbreviated as (number% P, or P%) - is the percentage of damage which will pierce the enemy's defense. Besides damaging the opponent, penetrating damage will still destroy the defense. Boosting your damage reduces penetration. The formula is:

  • P% = P * (3 * Damage / (3 * Damage + boost))
  • Example: You have a charm that does 50 damage with 45% P, and apply an 80 damage boost to it.
    • 45 * (3 * 50 / (3 * 50 + 80)) = 45 * (150 / 230) = 29.347826086957 (rounded down to 29%)

Twinblades, Frost, and Holy charms typically have a high P%.


Enemy has 100 armor. You play a melee charm with 100% P that does 20 damage.
Enemy loses 20 HP and their armor is decreased to 80.
20 of 20 (100%) damage pierced.

Enemy has 100 armor. You play a melee charm with 10% P that does 20 damage.
Enemy loses 2 HP and their armor is decreased to 80.
2 of 20 (10%) damage pierced.

Enemy has 3 armor. You play a melee charm with 20% P that does 5 damage.
Enemy loses 2 HP and their armor is decreased to 0.
0 of 3 (20%) damage pierced.
Piercing in this case did not kick in because 3 armor damage * 20% piercing = 0.6 damage pierced, and piercing damage is rounded down to the nearest integer.

Buff & Debuff

A Buff is a positive effect that typically increases damage, however there are other possible effects depending on the charm. A Debuff is a negative effect that typically decreases damage, however there are other possible effects depending on the charm. There are two different types of damage modifiers, ongoing and next.

  • "To Next" will affect the damage of the next charm to play that damage type. In the case of multi-hit charms such as Slash and Thrust it will only affect the first hit. Multiple boosts of this type stacking together for a massive single strike is known as a Burst.
  • The other type of damage modifier is "Ongoing". Ongoing damage modifiers have a much less powerful instantaneous effect, but will constantly affect your damage output until the fight is over, or you are hit with a normalize effect, cleanse or purge. Commonly referred to as CPB.

Cleanse will only remove a negative damage modifier if you are dealing less than base damage. Purge will remove all positive damage modifiers. Normalize will reset the target's damage modifier to 0.

If you are at a negative modifier, "(name) is weakened" will appear after your turn.

For more information see Buff and Debuff.

Berserkers and Pyromaniacs are "to next" specialists, while Warlords and Wardens are the "ongoing" specialists.

Common Damage Methods


Banes are negative effects applied by various charms. They trigger after every action an opponent takes, even extra actions. However, they do not trigger during stuns.

Banes are not affected by buffs or debuffs. Banes are a Debuff and can be removed by a Cleanse. Some charms can influence the duration of banes, be it extending (Side Effect, Staff of Decay) or lowering (Forest Medicine, Cleansing Dance) their duration. Banes that deal damage over a certain amount of turns will not have their duration reduced during extra actions. Banes that trigger in a certain amount of turns will trigger sooner however. Charms that extend a bane's duration will not affect banes that trigger after a set amount of turns. A special effect exists on certain charms to activate set duration banes without using them up.


Your opponent has a bane on them that does 4 damage during 5 turns and has 3 turns left. You play Crystal Boomerang.
Your opponent plays four extra action charms in a row.
The banes will trigger, and they will receive 16 damage. The first bane will still have 3 turns left, but Crystal Boomerang will trigger in 2 turns.

Your opponent has a bane on them that has 7 turns remaining, and Crystal Boomerang which will trigger in 4 turns.
You play a charm which extends all banes by +3 turns.
The damaging bane's duration will now be 10 turns, but Boomerang will still trigger after 4 turns.

Scouts and Inquisitors are bane focused classes.

The majority of banes use the Debuff rune.

Extra Action

Extra action charms will deploy their effect and then allow you to play another charm up to a maximum of 4 (under normal circumstances). Some charms, such as Hypnotic Pendulum, can alter the number of turns before dizziness. Becoming dizzy ends your turn without allowing auras to activate. The EA that causes the dizzy does not carry over to your next turn. Extra actions also greatly reduce the effectiveness of any constant power boosts you have.

Scouts and Champions specialize in using Extra Actions.

For more information see Extra Action.


Shifting applies to both attacks and defense.

  • Shifting damage can do either magic or melee damage. The damage type done (melee or magic) is the one that would take the most life from the enemy, figuring in all buffs, debuffs and the armor/ward of the target. Shifting damage does not take the target's immunities into account.
  • Shifting defense gives you armor or ward, whichever you have the least of, theoretically giving you more protection. Shifting defense CANNOT read into the future. If you have no armor and 15 ward, the next shifting defense effect will all go to armor, even if your opponent is a Pyromaniac and thus the defense would be better used on Ward.

The Slayer class has a number of shifting charms.

Shifting damage (generally) uses the Lightning rune.


Summoning charms work by summoning a creature to assist you during your turns. The effect varies by charm, but it will trigger even if you are stunned, though not during an Extra Action. Summons are not affected by buffs or debuffs, and cannot be removed. The duration of summons can be modified by special charms and multiple summons of the same type count as separate summons, much like banes.

The Summoner class has summoning charms that are unavailable to other classes.


Spirit damage works by forcing your opponent to discard charms from their gear. Typically gears containing large amounts of Spirit charms are designed to exhaust the opponent. Spirit damage can be blocked by Willpower. Spirit charms typically do not deal any damage to an opponent's HP.

Both the Inquisitor and Death Knight have class charms that focus on spirit.

Special Damage

Charm Combination

A charm combination (commonly Charm Combo) is a special effect that happens when two or more specific charms are used within a limited number of turns. The effect is separate from the previous charm and is affected by relevant damage modifiers. No other effects (Banes, Auras, etc) trigger on a combo event. The order in which charms are played does not matter, however some charm combos can only be triggered by multiple players.

The limited turn window appears to function as a hidden curse, so being stunned will use up one of your available turns to combo, as will extra actions.

See Category:Combo for a list of charms with combo effects.


Drain damage will heal the user an amount equal to the damage inflicted on their opponent. Drain damage only receives 65% of an effect from a buff/debuff.


Your opponent has 10 armor.
You use a charm that says 25 Melee drain.
You will deal 15 damage and gain 15 life. (10 absorbed, 15 damage)

The Death Knight has access to a number of class drain charms.

Life Loss

Charms that say 'Reduce life' or 'Lose Life' deal damage directly to the target's HP and cannot be blocked, prevented, or modified in any way. Commonly used as a side effect to powerful charms, or as a special kind of armor/ward destruction that some charms possess.

Name Requirements Information
  Level Dex Pow Int Con Skill 1 Skill 2 Rune 1 Rune 2 Type City
Deflagration 32   241 184   Fire R3   Fire   Treasure In
Weaver's Gloves 39   282 344   Fist Weapons R4   Fist   Boss Craft Wl
Champion's Sigil 40         Champion R3   Fist   Champion In
Metal Melt 40   240         Tech   Craft, Guild Ev
Faked Mercy 41   348 290   Sap R2   Debuff   Treasure In
Ignite 41         Pyromaniac R3   Tech Fire Pyromaniac Dr
Fist of Hades 42 148 322 198   Fist Weapons R3 Shadow R2 Fist Shadow Craft Nt
Inner Burst 42         Champion R3   Tech Fist Champion In
Crimson Devil 43 187 335   268 Summoning R3 Shadow R4 Summon Shadow Boss Craft Wl
Lethal Resolution 43         Remorseless R1   Tech   Craft1, Craft2 Al, Ec
Abyss 44 432 504     Shadow R5   Shadow   Craft Ec
Diamond Claws 44   388 475   Fist Weapons R5   Fist   Boss Craft Wn
Ice Fissure 44             Fist Frost Combo  
Nhyle's Compassion 44             Tech   Epic Wl
Chaos Gloves 47 435 469 574   Fist Weapons R5 Lightning R5 Fist Lightning Boss Craft Ze
Flame Recoil 47   591 452   Fire R5 Sap R3 Fire   Treasure Ze
Mercenary Bloodlust 47   609     Mercenary R2   Tech   Mercenary In
Ardent Abominations 48   404   404 Summoning R3   Summon   Craft Ev
Howl of Algol 50 507 663     Shadow R5   Shadow   Epic Ga
Impact of Marfik 50   526 643   Fist Weapons R5   Fist   Epic Wn
Seeds of Miasma 50   585     Shadow R5   Shadow   Treasure Dr

Multi hit

Multi hit charms deliver several packets of damage within one charm. They generally see their full potential when combined with constant power boosts. Multi hit charms are also useful in overcoming debuffs and invulnerability, as only the first hit will be debuffed or absorbed by the invulnerability. Due to the high potential damage of multi hit charms, many of the additional hits may be conditional.

Name Requirements Information
  Level Dex Pow Int Con Skill 1 Skill 2 Rune 1 Rune 2 Type City
Eroded Wave Splitter 41   290 243 348 Axe R4 Mace R4 Axe Mace Boss Craft In
Slash and Thrust 41 255 278   348 Axe R3 Spear R3 Axe Spear Treasure Wl
Spread Flames 41   394 301   Fire R4   Fire   Treasure Wl
Blazing Inferno 42         Pyromaniac R3   Fire   Pyromaniac Dr
Blood Frenzy 42         Berserker R3   Tech   Berserker Tr
Face Melt 43         Inquisitor R3   Spirit   Inquisitor Al
Ice Spikes 42 434     310 Frost R4   Frost   Treasure Ec
Finishing Move 43         Assassin R3   Twinblades   Assassin Nt
Corrupted Fireblade 44 460 403     Sword R5   Sword   Boss Craft Dr
Forked Lightning 44 360   504   Lightning R5   Lightning   Boss Craft Wn
Frozen Grave 44 504     432 Frost R5   Frost   Craft Wn
Full Moon 44 345 388   460 Axe R5 Spear R5 Axe Spear Boss Craft Lu
Lightning Rod 44 432   504   Lightning R5   Lightning   Craft Al
Rockslide 44   432   504 Earth R5   Earth   Craft Ec
Buried Alive 46   410   547 Earth R5   Earth   Boss Craft Sk
Chain Lightning 47 435   609   Lightning R5   Lightning   Treasure Ze
Crystal Dragonfang 47 469     574 Spear R5   Armor Spear Boss Craft Nt
Mana-Powered Thruster 47 469   487 504 Spear R5 Lightning R5 Spear Lightning Boss Craft Ze
Rain of Blows 47   469 574   Fist Weapons R5   Fist Tech Boss Craft Nt
Shaman Ghostly Pressure 47 609       Shaman R2 Spirit Breaker R5 Spirit Debuff Shaman Ec
Vicious Circle 47 522 522     Spirit Breaker R5 R5 Shadow R5 Spirit Shadow Treasure Ze
Void Bolt 49 582 523 523   Shadow R5 Lightning R5 Shadow Lightning Treasure Tr
Guidance of Homan 50     604 565 Holy R5   Holy   Epic Ev
Horns of Hamal 50   507   663 Earth R5   Earth   Epic Ev
Kysin Frozen Estoc 50 663 448   390 Sword R5 Frost R5 Sword Frost Boss Craft Tr
Kysin Guardian Blade 50 624 546     Sword R5   Sword   Boss Craft Tr
Tears of Matar 50 663     507 Frost R5   Frost   Epic Ev
Kimaeb 51       700 Earth R5   Summon Earth Epic Tr


Projection is a charm ability which will deal either Melee or Magic damage based on your current Armor/Ward and the maximum amount listed on the charm. Armor projection will usually deal Melee damage and ward projection will usually deal Magic damage, although charms such as Ice Cleaver and Microgyne Refractor will mix this up. Projection damage is not affected by buffs/debuffs.


You have 100 ward and play a charm that says Ward Projection (90).
You'll deal 90 Magic damage since the charm's maximum limit is 90.

You have 50 armor and play a charm that says Armor Projection (80).
You'll deal 50 Melee damage since you have 50 armor.

You have 300 ward and play a charm that says Armor Projection (400).
You'll deal 0 damage since you don't have any armor.

Guard, Paladin, Sage, Warlord, and Warden all have access to class based Projection charms.

Damage Prevention


Armor is used to prevent any type of melee damage. Any melee damage dealt to an opponent with armor will be reduced, depending on how much armor they have and on the penetration percentage of the charm. Armor charms will only increase your armor up to the amount listed on the charm, regardless of how much you currently have. If you currently have more armor than the charm grants you will not gain any armor. Cumulative armor is the exception to this and will be added on to your current armor.

Spear charms will add cumulative armor and Fist charms will destroy armor before dealing damage.


Ward is used to prevent any type of magic damage. Any magic damage dealt to an opponent with ward will be reduced, depending on how much ward they have and on the penetration percentage of the charm. Ward charms will only increase your ward up to the amount listed on the charm, regardless of how much you currently have. If you currently have more ward than the charm grants you will not gain any ward. Cumulative ward is the exception to this and will be added on to your current ward.

Holy charms will add cumulative ward and Shadow charms will destroy ward before dealing damage.


Willpower works the same way as Armor or Ward, only it protects against Spirit instead.

The Berserker and Hierarch classes have a lot of class based Willpower.


Certain charms grant Immunity to a specific damage type (Melee, Magic, or Spirit), which will prevent the next direct attack from that damage type from affecting you in any way whatsoever. By default, immunity effects are cumulative. Summons, Banes, and Auras still deal damage as normal. Immunity is best defeated through multiple strikes, be it Extra Actions or multi-hit charms like Slash and Thrust or Guard and Sage projections.

Immunity is very rare, being possessed mainly by the Paladin and certain dungeon mobs (exceptions are the epic charms Salamath's Judgement and Weight of Thabit, and the craft Maul of the Indefatigable).

Healing and Revival

Healing effects restore HP to the target(s) equal to the number listed. Heals cannot be modified in any way, and you cannot heal a character over their maximum HP. Although heals are weaker than similar-level armor and ward effects, the fact that it works against both melee and magic makes it useful for certain decks. Revival effects will bring back a dead ally at an amount of HP and charms equal to the listed percentage. The initial means of death does not matter. Player characters can only be revived three times in the same fight, but dungeon mobs can be revived an infinite amount of times.

The Hierarch specializes in healing effects, but revival is usually an effect used by monsters. (As of now) Only two revival charms exist: Restore Faith and Salamath's Judgement.


Area of Effect

Charms with area of effect damage (AoE), represented as Target All Enemies, will deal damage or effects to all opponents. Damage dealt is Base damage + (4/3) x Boosts / Total number of targets. This number is then rounded. For AoE Spirit, however, any boosts are applied in full. Area of effect attacks will not bypass direct immunity. Non-damage effects affect all targets to the full extent of the charm.

Charms that say Target All Allies will target all members of the user's group, including the one who used the charm.

Obviously, a Target All Players affect hits both teams, user included. Some charms, like the Erythic charms, emulate this effect by having a Target All Allies and Target All Enemies effect together, but these charms usually give a larger benefit to the Target All Allies effect.

Class examples include Rogue and Wizard for AoE damage charms, Guard and Cleric for AoE Buffs charms, Mercenary and Sage for AoE Debuffs charms, Shaman and Monk for AoE defense charms.


Charms that have the Focus attribute will temporarily focus all non-aoe allied attacks on one foe. This is shown with a red square around the focused character's avatar.

Each action by your team will count against the focus duration. For example, if you Focus:5 and your ally follows with an extra action charm then a ward, the remaining focus is 3. Being stunned will also count against the Focus. If a charm is played that has a higher focus than the duration remaining the higher amount will be used, otherwise it is unaffected. A recent addition is cumulative focus, which adds that many turns to whatever the current focus was.

Charms that target specific opponents, such as Heartseeker will ignore the focused target but will still count against the duration. Charms that say "Break Focus" will cause your team's focus to immediately expire, but will not affect the enemies team's focus. If an enemy plays a protect charm (see below) they will override your team's focus. If a focused character uses a Vanish effect, they instantly remove the focus on them (but may still be hit randomly or even re-focused).

The Slayer class has a number of class based focus charms.


Charms that have the Protect attribute will cause the enemy to focus on you, rather than your teammates. This effect is the same as if they had used a focus charm on you. Using a charm with Protect will override any focus the enemy has going and change the targeting to the one who played the charm. If two teammates play a protect charm the last one to use it will be the target.

Charms with special targeting such as Vicious Stab will ignore protects.

The Paladin and Recruit have class based Protect charms.

Special Targeting

Some charms state that it targets a specific enemy or ally based on their stats (level, HP, Willpower, etc). These charms will ignore any Focus or Protect in play, and the Focus or Protect will keep running until the duration ends. In the event that two or more enemies have the same stats the game will randomly choose between them, unless one of them has played a protect, in which case it will target the one protecting. If a charm has multiple targeting conditions, each effect is resolved independently on its designated target.

Example: You're fighting two enemies. Enemy 1 has 27/100 HP left. Enemy 2 has 50/100 HP and just played a Protect charm. You play Vicious Stab. You will hit Enemy 1 because the charm's special targeting goes after the enemy with the lowest HP.

Assassins and Slayers have numerous class charms with offensive special targeting, whereas Hierarchs and Paladins have charms with defensive special targeting. Other such charms can be found in the guild building Archery Range.

Stat Focus Of Runes

Rune Power Dexterity Intelligence Constitution
Axe Primary Secondary
Earth Secondary Primary
Fire Primary Secondary
Fist Secondary Primary
Frost Primary Secondary
Holy Primary Secondary
Lightning Secondary Primary
Mace Secondary Primary
Shadow Primary Secondary
Spear Secondary Primary
Spirit* Primary Primary
Summon* Primary Primary
Sword Secondary Primary
Twinblades Primary Secondary

*Spirit and Summon typically use equal amounts of two attributes.