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Mercenaries abandoned their ethics for battles. They will never hesitate to cripple their opponents, their disregard to armors grants them even more deadily power

Class Details

The Mercenary image
Former Fighter
Promotion Deathknight, Champion, Berserker
Specialization Power, Weapons
Techniques High power at the cost of defense, Sap melee
Guild Hall Mercenary's Guild in Inachis


To specialize in this class, player's character has to meet the following requirements.

Level 30
Class Fighter
Attribute 200 Power
Attribute 160 Dexterity OR 160 Intellect OR 160 Constitution
Skill Sword 3 OR Axe 3 OR Fist Weapon 3

Class Charms

Mercenary Charms
Name Level Required Melee Damage Armor Loss Armor Destruction Other Effects
Mercenary Claymore 30 47 (20% P) 23
Mercenary Blade 33 51 (20% P) 25
Mercenary Flamberge 37 57 (20% P) 28
Mercenary Broadaxe 30 51 (10% P) 23
Mercenary Francisca 33 56 (10% P) 25
Mercenary Slasher 37 62 (10% P) 28
Mercenary Fangs 30 47 23 25
Mercenary Scissors 33 51 25 28
Mercenary Drill Fingers 37 57 28 31
Mercenary Brawl 30 32 65
Mercenary Impact 33 35 71
Mercenary Clash 37 39 79
Mercenary Shout 30 [Target all enemies] -5 to Melee (ongoing)
Mercenary Howl 33 [Target all enemies] -6 to Melee (ongoing)
Mercenary Warcry 37 [Target all enemies] -7 to Melee (ongoing)

Mercenary Elite Charms
Name Level Required Melee Damage Armor Loss Armor Destruction Other Effects
Morale Breaker 47 (Target all allies)
2 Willpower (cumul)
(For each enemy)
-3 to target's melee (ongoing)
-17 to target's next magic
Mercenary Bloodlust 47 Destroy 3 Willpower
Destroy 24 armor, target loses life equal to amount destroyed
[If armor is 0]
42 Melee drain