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A Monk is a blessed with melee fighting talent. Wielding heavy maces, small daggers, or even fist weapons, he can deflect most incoming melee attacks. His mere presence will even inspire his allies and grant them some of his own abilities.

Class Details

The Monk image
Former Novice
Promotion Champion, Assassin, Paladin
Specialization Intelligence, Weapons
Techniques Armor over time, defends allies
Guild Hall Monk Monastery in Zeal


To specialize in this class, player's character has to meet the following requirements.

Level 30
Class Novice
Attribute 200 Intellect
Attribute 160 Dexterity OR 160 Power OR 160 Constitution
Skill Mace 3 OR Twin Blades 3 OR Fist Weapons 3

Class Charms

Monk Charms
Name Level Required Melee Damage Melee Buff (over 4 turns) Armor Gain (over 4 turns) Other Effects
Monk Knives 30 18 (45% P) 40
Monk Edges 33 20 (45% P) 44
Monk Glaives 37 22 (45% P) 48
Monk Hammerhead 30 28 40
Monk Sledgehammer 33 30 44
Monk Grand Mace 37 34 48
Monk Impacter 30 23 40 Destroy 14 Armor
Monk Fists 33 25 44 Destroy 20 Armor
Monk Claw 37 28 48 Destroy 22 Armor
Monk Training 30 23 (10% P) 32
Monk Strengthening 33 23 (10% P) 36
Empowering Hit 37 28 (10% P) 36
Monk Calling 30 [Target Allies] 44 Armor
Monk Fistwall 33 [Target Allies] 48 Armor
Monk Protection 37 [Target Allies] 54 Armor

Monk Elite Charms
Name Level Required Melee Damage Melee Buff (over 4 turns) Armor Gain (over 4 turns) Other Effects
Ki of the Zealous 47 35 Melee (20% P) [Target enemy with lowest HP]
Aura: 13 armor (cumul) if lowest hp enemy has no armor
+12 to next melee during 6 turns
Monk Trigram Mastery 47 Bane: 11 melee (35% P) and Break Focus during 5 turns
[target all allies]
40 armor (cumul)