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"True masters of the fire element; they are those who excel at magic scathe and down the enemy with powerful boosts. They don't fear fighting without protection, because their damage overwhelms even the toughest fighters."

Class Details

The Pyromaniac image
Former Wizard, Sage
Promotion None
Specialization Intellect, Power, Fire
Techniques Very high damage output, power boost
Guild Hall Sunflare Altar in Draka


To specialize in this class, player's character has to meet the following requirements.

Level 40
Class Wizard OR Sage
Attribute 370 Power, 280 Intellect
Skill Burst 2, Empowerment 2. Fire 4, Recklessness 1
Trial Intensity, Perseverance

Class Charms

Pyromaniac Charms By Level
Name Level Required Item to Craft Required Magic Damage Magic Boosts Other Effects
Pyromaniac's Sigil 40 Mark of Intensity

x1 for a set of charms
(+10k gp)

76 [Target enemy with highest HP]
Break Focus
Play with Fire 40 Mark of Leadership

x3 for a set
(+6k x3 = 18k gp)

+75 to next Curse: Lose 3 life during 6 turns
Immolation 40 Mark of Perseverance

x1 for a set
(+10k gp)

29 Bane: 9 Magic during 6 turns
Firewall 40 Mark of Faith

x3 for a set
(+6k x3 = 18k gp)

+28 to next 94 Ward
Manastorm 41 Mark of Unity

x5 for a set
(+4k x5 = 20k gp)

(Target all allies) +12 (ongoing)
(Target all enemies) +6 (ongoing)
Ignite 41 Harvester Insignia

x5 for a set
(+5k x5 = 25k gp)

19 Destroy 72 ward, target loses life equal to amount destroyed
Blazing Inferno 42 Alchemist Insignia

x5 for a set
(+10k x5 = 50k gp)

20 [If Target's Ward is 0]
70 Magic
Rain of Fire 43 King Insignia

x5 for a set
(+15k x5 = 75k gp)

40 (Target all enemies)
Soul Combustion 44 Life Insignia

x5 for a set
(+20k x5 = 100k gp)

Aura: +25 to next magic and 1 spirit on self each time you play a Fire rune during 8 turns
Pyromaniac's Crest 45 Crest of Intensity
Crest of Perseverance

x5 of each for a set
(+15k x5 = 75k gp)

84 [Target enemy with highest HP]
Break Focus
Fuel Enmity 48 see charm's description
Phoenix Reborn 48 see charm's description