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Rogues are silent warriors that devote their soul to battles. Although not suited for very long battles, they can display awesome fighting skills with incredible speed. Their blade dance can also make them shine when outnumbered.

Class Details

The Rogue image
Former Scout
Promotion Deathknight, Assassin, Warlord
Specialization Dexterity, Weapons
Techniques High power at the cost of spirit, multi target attacks
Guild Hall Rogue's Hideout in Eclis


To specialize in this class, player's character has to meet the following requirements.

Level 30
Class Scout
Attribute 200 Dexterity
Attribute 160 Power OR 160 Intellect OR 160 Constitution
Skill Sword 3 OR Twin Blades 3 OR Spear 3

Class Charms

Rogue Charms
Name Level Required Melee Damage Melee Bane Self Spirit Damage Other Effects
Rogue Needles 30 42 (45% P) 1
Rogue Slashers 33 46 (45% P) 1
Rogue Ancient Daggers 37 51 (45% P) 1
Rogue Cutlass 30 51 (20% P) 1
Rogue Scimitar 33 56 (20% P) 1
Rogue Rapier 37 62 (20% P) 1
Rogue Javelin 30 47 (15% P) 1 17 Armor (cumul)
Rogue Lance 33 51 (15% P) 1 19 Armor (cumul)
Rogue Spear 37 57 (15% P) 1 21 Armor (cumul)
Rogue Venom 30 25 (20% P) 35 (40% P) over 5 turns
Rogue Green Death 33 28 (20% P) 40 (40% P) over 5 turns
Nightmare Powder 37 31 (20% P) 45 (40% P) over 5 turns
Rogue Throwing Knives 30 22 Targets all enemies
Rogue Blade Rain 33 24 Targets all enemies
Rogue Death Dance 37 27 Targets all enemies

Exploding Gas Trap 47 46 (45% P) -2 to target's magic (ongoing) during 5 turns 2 Targets all enemies
Light Gear 47 Aura 1 melee drain for each armor if armor is under 40 during 6 turns

[If armor is greater than 40] Lose 30 armor