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"The Wardens are one with the North. Their very presence on the battlefield can freeze the blades of enemies and allies alike. When a Warden enters a fray, you better kill him fast or else suffer the wrath of Winter."

Class Details

The Warden image
Former Shaman, Cleric
Promotion None
Specialization Dexterity, Constitution, Frost
Techniques Sap melee, armor/ward projection
Guild Hall Crystal Prison in Windscar


To specialize in this class, player's character has to meet the following requirements.

Level 40
Class Shaman OR Cleric
Attribute 380 Dexterity, 270 Constitution
Skill Discipline 1, Ward 4, Spell Breaker 1, Tactician 2, Frost 4
Trial Insight, Faith

Class Skills

Warden Charms By Level
Name Level Required Item Required to Craft Projection Ongoing Melee Other Effects
Warden's Grip 40 Mark of Insight -6 33 (38% P) Magic
Arctic Winds 40 Mark of Faith Aura: 22 Ward (Cumul) during 8 turns
Frozen Heart 40 Mark of Perseverance +14 Magic (ongoing)
Ice Shell 40 Mark of Salvation 104 Ward
31 Armor
Blizzard 41 Mark of Unity [Target all Enemies]
[Target all Allies]
-6 Melee (ongoing)
Shard Explosion 41 Harvester Insignia Armor (up to 59)
Ward (up to 59)
Ice Tomb 42 Alchemist Insignia -7 [Target enemy with lowest ward] Purge, Cleanse
Eternal Ice 43 King Insignia Melee equal to Ward
(up to 82)
[If ward is 0]
82 Ward
Shattering Starfall 44 Life Insignia [Target all Enemies]
Ward (up to 52)
[Target all Allies]
Aura: 14 Armor & Ward (Cumul) during 3 turns
Warden's Crest 45 Crest of Faith
Crest of Ruse
-1 For every 10 Ward
(up to 140)
48 (38% P) Magic
Feeding Off the Weak 48 Timeless Insignia Aura: +2 to melee and magic (ongoing) if target has negative ongoing melee modifiers during 6 turns

[For each negative ongoing melee damage modifier on target]
1 Melee drain
3 Ward (cumul)

Modulation Crystal 48 Lust Insignia Aura: 28 shifting defense (cumul) during 3 turns. 20% chance to consume effect and steal target's ongoing damage modifiers
(Target all enemies)
-4 to target's auras
+4 to target's auras

Warden Trainer (Windscar)
Charm Name Req. Level Gold Cost Req Material Qty Crafted
Warden's Grip 40 10000 Mark of Insight 5
Arctic Winds 40 10000 Mark of Faith 5
Frozen Heart 40 6000 Mark of Perseverance 2
Ice Shell 40 6000 Mark of Salvation 2
Blizzard 41 4000 Mark of Unity 1
Shard Explosion 41 5000 Harvester Insignia 1
Ice Tomb 42 10000 Alchemist Insignia 1
Eternal Ice 43 15000 King Insignia 1
Shattering Starfall 44 20000 Life Insignia 1
Warden's Crest 45 15000 Crest of Faith
Crest of Ruse
Feeding Off the Weak 48 25000 Timeless Insignia 1
Modulation Crystal 48 25000 Lust Insignia 1