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"Warlords excel at leading fighters into battle while boosting their morale. Initially, the Warlord's damage may seem weak, but as the battle progresses he is able to become quite a formidable opponent."

Class Details

The Warlord image
Former Rogue, Guard
Promotion None
Specialization Constitution, Dexterity, Spear
Techniques High melee absorption, Temporary max HP increase
Guild Hall Divinium Stronghold in Skyrift


To specialize in this class, player's character has to meet the following requirements.

Level 40
Class Rogue OR Guard
Attribute 360 Constitution, 290 Dexterity
Skill Discipline 2, Command 1, Strengthening 2, Spear 4, Armor 4
Trial Leadership, Faith

Class Skills

Warlord Charms By Level
Name Level Required Melee Armor Other Effects
Warlord's Sigil 40 30 (15% P) 12 (cumul) +7 to Melee (ongoing)
Knight's Charge 40 30 (15% P) Protect (5)
Focus (5)
Shield Blow 40 41 Deal melee equal to Armor (up to 53)
Lord's Armor 40 141
Turtle Formation 41 [Target All Allies]
57 Armor, +4 to Melee (ongoing)
Metal Storm 41 Deal Melee equal to Armor (up to 124)
Last Stand 42 60 Gain 300 life, 60 Ward, Protect (10)
Curse: Lose 300 life after 6 turns
Iron Skin 43 65 during 5 turns Aura
Metal Clash 44 10 (15% P) [For every 12 armor (up to 240)]
+1 to melee (ongoing)
Warlord's Crest 45 34 (15% P) 18 (cumul) +8 to melee (ongoing)
Focus: 4
Gravity Spear 48 see charm's description
Helmsplitter 48 see charm's description